Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

Register for Nonlinear Dynamics & 2024 Courses

12 Jan 2024
Astrobiology Biology Dynamical Systems Evolution Origins of Life Mathematics Computation

Happy New Year from the Complexity Explorer team!

Looking ahead to 2024: Update & Course Schedule

Due to the success of offering free courses during our 10th anniversary in 2023, we are thrilled to announce that we will continue offering all Complexity Explorer content for free! Our goal at Complexity Explorer has always been to make SFI complex systems science accessible to a broad and diverse audience, and we look forward to continuing the mission and growing our community in 2024.

One word to describe Complexity Explorer

The word cloud generated by the question from our last newsletter: "What is one word you would use to describe Complexity Explorer?"

Thank you to all who participated! If you did not yet get a chance, you can still submit an answer here

Nonlinear Dynamics: Mathematical & Computational Approaches

Register now to join instructor Liz Bradley on January 16

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This foundational course provides a broad introduction to the field of nonlinear dynamics, focusing both on the mathematical and computational tools essential to the study of chaotic systems. The course is aimed at students who have had at least one semester of college-level calculus and physics, and who can program in at least one high-level language (C, Java, Matlab, R,).

Origins of Life

Returning to Complexity Explorer January 22

Register now

We are excited to re-launch our popular Origins of Life course in a fully-asynchronous, always-available format on January 22. This course aims to push the field of Origins of Life research forward by bringing new and synthetic thinking to the question of how life emerged from an abiotic world. 

Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling with Instructor Anamaria Berea & Teaching Assistant Kasia Samson will return in Summer 2024. Stay tuned for dates and registration! 

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